Just What Are the Advantages of Using a Paper Shredding Company?
October 25, 2015
For decades we’ve heard various pundits tell us that we’re heading for a “paperless society”. From paper money to scratch pads, all of them are to disappear as technology makes paper obsolete.
But why is it that there seems to be more paper than ever in our lives today, especially at the office? Who knows what the future holds, but paper and office documents show no signs of disappearing soon.
That means your business needs to manage those documents. Yes, you can institute an internal document management strategy and system, and assign a person or a team to administer it. But if you look closely and the time commitment, the security risks involved and other costs, you’ll see that there are lots of good reasons to use a paper shredding and storage company to help you:
Data Security
Cyber-attacks aren’t the only threat to the security of your business and customer data. Office shredders do not shred documents to the point where information is indecipherable. The best way to securely destroy your sensitive paper-based information is by using a NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) “AAA”-certified paper shredding company.
Legal Compliance
With a number of high profile security breaches that exposed the personal information of private citizens and organizations, there is an increased emphasis on ensuring the safeguarding of that information. Laws on both sides of the U.S. – Canadian border have been enacted to hold businesses responsible for properly protecting personal information.
Reduced Costs
Very few companies actually analyze the full costs of doing their own document management. From the drain on internal resources that could be devoted to the business of the company, to allotting floor space to document storage, many companies find it less expensive to outsource their document management.
Added Value
The document management company you choose should do far more than shred and/or store your documents. Look for value-added services, including document scanning, certified hard-drive and electronic media destruction and recycling services.