Everyone is affected by debt...
from recent graduates paying hundreds of dollars in interest on their students loans every month, to working families bankrupted by medical bills, to elders living in “underwater” homes, to those taking out payday loans at 400% interest to cover basic living costs, to the teachers and firefighters forced to take pay cuts because their cities are broke, to countries pushed into austerity and poverty by structural adjustment programs.
Everyone seems to owe something...
Most of us (including our cities) are in so deep it’ll be years before we have any chance of getting out—if we have any chance at all. At least one in seven of us is already being pursued by debt collectors. We are told all of this is our own fault, that we got ourselves into this and that we should feel guilty or ashamed.
  • Occupy Canada – Beware Scientology
  • On May 1st 2012 approximately 10,000 people took to the streets in downtown Toronto to take part in a global day of protest.

    Occupy Toronto Reunion May 2012
  • This song is from my “Choices” CD which I think it is appropriate that the video uses images supplied by Occupy Canada and used with their permission, as the song “Start A Revolution” is about making change in the world.

    Occupy! Start A Revolution
  • Toronto Police clear the street in front of 52 Division headquarters after Occupiers block street and stop traffic for over 9 hours.

    Toronto Police Clear Occupiers
  • Occupy Toronto Update

    Month update of Occupy Toronto

    Occupy Toronto Update
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"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains."
Karl Marx
76% of North Americans are Debtors
How is it possible that three-quarters of us could all have just somehow failed to figure out how to properly manage our money, all at the same time? And why is it no one is asking, “Who do we all owe this money to, anyway?” and “Where did they get the money they lent?”
Financial Capitalism
The fact that most of the profits on Wall Street no longer have much to do with producing or even selling anything, but are simply the fruits of speculation. This is supposed to be very complicated — “Somehow they have just figured out a way to make money out of thin air; no, don’t even try to understand how they do it”.
Bankers are Allowed to Make Money…Out of Thin Air
But, only if they lend it to someone. That’s the real reason everyone is in debt: it’s a shakedown system. The financial establishment colludes with the government to create rules designed to put everyone in debt; then the system extracts it from you.

Finance Capital is the problem.

It is at the heart of the multiple socioeconomic crises that we are now encountering, both in North America and worldwide. Thus we aim to stop it at the places where it conducts its business: that is, Wall Street, Bay Street, and the other cities where it has (up to now) been permitted to thrive.

We know that it owns both our so-called ‘democratic’ political processes and the mainstream media. We also know that, unless we make a direct intervention into its operations, it will not stop its reckless pursuit of profits at all costs, which have ruined so many lives, both at home and overseas.

We may or may not have the same demands; after all, we are one common front composed of many diversified interests. Still, unified as we are by our one common antagonist, we will not stop until we have confronted and solved the most pressing problem of our time.
Guy Fawkes, Anonymous

Occupy Toronto Calendar

From The Blog

Canada Job Grant

deal has been reached which excludes Quebec which makes up 21.7% of CANADA’s population. The Conservative deadline of April 1 has been moved to July 1. The Cons have spent $ 2.5 million on adver... Read More »

G20 Finance Ministers

met in Brisbane, Australia to talk about the slow World Economy. It returns to another English speaking country for the 9th edition for the leaders in November 2014… http://www.cbc.ca/news/world... Read More »

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