How Data Can Be Used Against You Part One
April 08, 2011
Using a shredder is a highly important thing to do in today’s world. Now more than ever – information is power – and by using the details from your bin that are on your papers it is possible for people to sign up with profiles on sites or to fraudulently claim to be you – accessing your bank account, reading your e-mails and taking out phone contracts with your details. This can then leave you broke and in a lot of financial difficulty and it won’t always be possible for you to get the money back or get out of your new commitments.
You might be wondering how paper shredding can be so important and how failing to shred you can put yourself at such risk – so let’s look at this logically. Imagine you throw away a bank document that has your sort code and bank account number on it. Or even you throw away a document that has just one of those pieces on it and then another one a week later with the other part.